
(by MonsterSheltie on FA)

Name: Mabel Page
Modern, all species
Official Reference:
Here (by MonsterSheltie on FA)
Canonical Age:
156 lbs
Personality in Three Words:
Reserved, creative, indulgent
Official Partner:

Mabel has a twin, Amelie. The two sisters grew up together very close, nearly inseparable. They’ve always been best friends, even though their interests were different. Mabel was a hardcore academic and wanted to go to college; Amelie ended up meeting an eccentric billionaire candy tycoon and becoming a maid.

When Mabel finished college and became a chemist, she realized she hated professional labs. In school she was fine with all the other students and the laid back atmosphere; but after graduating and landing a job in a very prestigious pharmaceutical corporation’s laboratories, she hated it. The white walls, the lab coats and uniforms, the ridiculously strict supervisors and time cards…it was awful. She had no friends and no passion for her work.

After voicing this to her sister, Amelie stepped in and went to her boss. Mabel had an interview the next day.
She met Reese, the candy tycoon. He asked her if she could help him out, help him come up with new ideas. All his employees had something different to add to the table, and he wanted to know if she wanted a job.
Mabel thought about it…and snapped her fingers.

She went to work right away, and came back the next day with a new candy for Reese. A little tub of sour powdered candy, and a tiny bottle of fruit flavored juice. When poured into the powder it would fizz and then expand drastically as a delicious fruity sour foam! Chemistry, but tasty!

Reese immediately ordered production of the candy, now named “Fizzy Fruity Foam.” And so, Mabel got her OWN lab with the company, creating fun candy ideas for kids (and adults) to love. Just simple chemical reactions and properties to make them really interesting.
Striped sodas, exploding wrappers, color changing gum, the list went on. All food safe, of course.

So with her own lab, Mabel was finally able to enjoy doing something in a professional setting. And she got to work with her beloved twin sister as well!