

(by Raven on FurAffinity)

Official Reference:
Here (by Raven)
Species: Leothaun (Species by Raven)
Canonical Age:
200 lbs
Personality in Three Words:
Welcoming, generous, helpful
Official Partner:
Malach was an only child, born to two council members of the capitol city of Shantou. His rare coloring was a result of two recessive traits within his parents, though he was never bullied as a child for it. Instead, Malach flourished in his schooling, and took up many hobbies, volunteered whenever possible, and generally just had a very busy life. All of his own will, of course. He even liked to follow his parents to city meetings to keep up with what was going on in the city- if anyone ever fell on hard times, he would know about it, and so he could bring extra lunches to school for the children whose parents were struggling. And so on, while he grew up.
After basic schooling was done, Malach decided he needed to do something else. He had a very positive and happy upbringing, and he knew very well that not every Leothaun got to have the same privilege. He had to do something good for the community.
So, he found himself a way- he became the apprentice to the city’s most renowned medicine man. In a few years he mastered the art, and when his teacher retired, he took over the practice himself. Since then, he decided the clinic would only be run on donations, not on actual price. Anything extra he made, he would figure out a way to put it back into the community.
Eventually when his parents succumbed to age, having had him late in their lives, he was chosen to be one of the replacements. Because of his presence in the community, and his generosity, he was very well equipped to take a spot in politics. So he did. His first decision, in fact, was to help the Mountain Elder, Isamu, pick out a plot of land for Idai to bring her father to. Since then, the two have been friends.
Malach will, every so often, visit Idai up in the mountains to help with a harvest. In exchange, Idai grows medicinal herbs and flowers for him. Through Idai he met Soana as well, and the three have a good network of support going for Idai’s ranch.
Malach spends most of his time helping the Elder, Isamu, with his routines, speaking for him, and seeing patients at his clinic. He is happy to be a public servant, and simply wants to help others since he was blessed with such a positive and happy upbringing.