
Done by TheLostCause86 on FurAffinity

Name: Pavo (pah-voh)
Official Reference:
 Here (By TheLostCause86 on FA)
Leothuan (Species by TheLostCause86 on FA)
Canonical Age:
300 lbs
Personality in Three Words:
Friendly, humble, protective
Official Partner:
Pavo was born to two Tempest Leothauns that looked rather plain; his father was white with gray toes, his mother was gray with a light belly. So when he came out blue and green with wings, they were quite surprised. In fact, the community even had some rumors going around that were questioning the fidelity of his mother; but his father shut it down fast. After all, wings among Tempests were a known mutation, so it was KNOWN that Pavo was just the result of a genetic lottery. And he hit the jackpot, as it were.
And then, as luck would have it, Pavo ended up with a sister! Iolana was born. And like him, she was born with wings and bright colors. It just seemed that their parents had some sort of super recessive or mutated genes that they passed down.
Pavo was quite average for a child in that he was happy and healthy and just wanted to play and get in trouble. But, that didn’t stop his looks from being everyone’s scapegoat the second someone was mad at him; childhood bullies and even his teachers saw him as an arrogant kid even when he wasn’t.
Unfortunately that carried into adulthood. Any successes were due to his looks, and any failures were due to the fact that he only relied on his looks; in other people’s minds, anyway. In reality, Pavo studied and worked hard just like any other Tempest Leothaun. Hell, in his eyes it was awful that he was just seen as an object, it seemed.
But the experiences were humbling. It taught him not to look at anyone for their looks, but rather their personality and their achievements and charity.
As an adult, he works as a leather crafter. He makes all sorts of clothes for all sorts of Leothaun types, and once a year he travels to take orders and sell his designs and creations.