

Done by Avionetca on DA!

Name: Ionos (Formerly Benjamin Roston)
Official Reference:
Here (By Raven)
Canonical Age:
200 lbs
Personality in Three Words:
Harsh, intractable, reminiscent.
Official Partner:
Benjamin Roston was born into a poor family. Poverty stricken, but close. His parents were his best friends, and he was the joy of their life. Well behaved, with incredible manners, Ben was happy with life no matter what it threw at him. He was also brilliant, especially when it came to puzzles and anything that could be solved through a mechanism.
So, when he was old enough, he was offered a full ride scholarship to one of the best schools in the galaxy to study chemistry. In his freshman orientation he met his future best friend, Robert Pleck. The two became friends fast and began to study together, hung out outside of class, and eventually they just became inseparable. The next year, they were roommates. They continued their education together and matched schedules, and blew through their undergrad degrees in three years. They continued onto graduate school, going for their masters as well as their PhDs, only stopping their education when there was literally nothing left. That was when the two became partners and went into research together.
They discovered many new pharmaceuticals and uses for different types of organic fuel, but what was really going to put them on the map was when they synthesized an insanely energy dense hydrogen fuel that gave off no waste or harmful byproducts. The second they tested their product and realized how valuable it was, Ben suddenly felt a searing pain all over his body. Rob had taken a beaker from the fume hood full of hydrofluoric acid and thrown it at him. In the searing pain and distraction, Ben fell and Rob was able to gather all of their notebooks on the synthesis. He began to flee, but Ben thought quick and ignited one of their gas lines, blowing them both, and the lab, up immediately.
He crawled out of the flames into the hands of the nearest medic team; Rob was nowhere to be found, and the notebooks with their technique were recovered by the firefighters at the scene- they were completely destroyed. Nothing was left, not even his friendship.
The next week, Ben received a parcel in the mail at his apartment with a tape. The tape was a video of someone in a mask torturing his parents to death. After that he panicked, changed his name to Ionos, and basically disappeared. There was no going back- he had no name, no family now, and no friends.