Jasper Marit

Done by Raven on DeviantArt!

Name: Jasper Marit
Official Reference: 
Here (By Me)
Canonical Age:
120 lbs
Personality in Three Words:
Sarcastic, calculating, bored.
Official Partner:
Height Chart (By Raven!)
When Jasper was a child, he lived at an orphanage. He met Axel, his best friend, there. The two got into a fight in a junkyard and were best friends ever since. As a child, Jasper was never into athletics or physical activities, deciding instead to stay indoors and tinker. He became an expert with everything computers and robots at a very young age, practicing on dead Loaders and old Dahl technology.
When Axel decided to move to Fyrestone, Jasper wanted to stay with him. The two were adopted by a man and his wife, Ross and Mary Marit. They got jobs working in the eridium mines, and took Ross and Mary’s last name.
On Axel’s eighteenth birthday, while Mary was giving birth to their new baby sister Agatha, the mine caved in. Jasper was trapped alone, and quickly fell unconscious when he got hit by a falling rock. When he awoke, he was being pulled out by a Hyperion Loader Bot from an extraction team that was looking salvage all the precious minerals lost in the cave in.
The corporation noticed Jasper’s expertise with electronics immediately and put him to work. Jasper went to the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve for a few months, but was unable to handle the sights of men and women being forcibly experimented on. After overseeing the technology that turned a man into a Psycho for the first time, he had a nervous breakdown and had to be removed. He was moved to a Hyperion base in the Arid Badlands instead, where he worked his way up the ladder in contentment.
When Liam, Vira, and Axel came too close, Jasper was the one to interrogate them. He sent Liam to Hera to be executed, arranged for Vira to be imprisoned, and shot Axel in the head himself- but not before remembering him for a split second and moving the gun just enough to miss. He remained at Hyperion for another year before Vira, Liam, and Axel reunited and went after him. They took him and Axel jogged his memory, and he became incredibly depressed. Jasper had already been a self harmer for years while being bullied at Hyperion, but upon regaining his memories and realizing how horrible the things he had done were, he became downright suicidal.
It wasn’t until he met the Psycho that had been traveling with his friends- Agro -that he began to finally heal. He recognized Agro as the Psycho that he had made during his first and only project at the Exploitation Preserve. Shockingly to him, Agro recognized him as well, and forgave- as well as a Psycho could convey forgiveness, anyway. The two became close, then inseparable.